hair extensions for short hair.

hair extensions for short hair.


Jump to: can you get hair extensions if you have short hair? | how long should you hair be for hair extensions? | what type of hair extensions should you choose? | what is the difference between clip-ins and tape-ins?



can you get hair extensions if you have short hair? 


The answer is yes, absolutely! However, there are a few things to consider before getting your hair extensions so that you can ensure a seamless blend, but we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll show you everything you need to know about hair extensions for short hair and some tips on how to choose the best type.

The secret to wearing hair extensions with short hair is to place them carefully under your natural hair and style all the hair together.  

Here's a tutorial on how to place clip-in hair extensions to short hair:

how long should your hair be for hair extensions? 


The general rule is that your hair should be at least 3 inches long to use tape-in extensions for short hair.

However, if you want to achieve a seamless blend and a realistic look with clip-in hair extensions, you may need to have a bob cut or longer. This way, the extensions can be easily hidden under your own hair and match the shape of your style. 


Here’s another video demonstration on how to use clip-in hair extensions if you have a short bob: 

 Also see: how to put in hair extensions in 3 steps.


what type of hair extensions should you choose? 


If you have short hair, you might want to avoid heavy or long extensions that can weigh down your natural hair.

For fine and thin hair, we recommend using the invisible clip-in hair extensions or tape-in hair extensions so that it's easier to hide them underneath your natural hair.

The regular clip-in hair extensions with a fabric stitched base are suitable for thick/normal density hair.


Here's the difference between regular clip-in hair extensions and invisible clip-in hair extensions:

  Also check: how to apply tape-in hair extensions at home


what is the difference between tape-in extensions and clip-in extensions?


  • Clip-in hair extensions are pieces of hair that are attached to your own hair with clips. They are easy to apply, comfortable to wear and can help to change your look in minutes.


hair extensions , hair extensions near me , best hair extensions , clip in hair extensions

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